İsmail Cengiz

Independent Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee Member

Born in 1957 in Sarıkamış, İsmail Cengiz graduated from Eskişehir Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences in 1979 and worked at Dadaş Bookstore in Erzurum in 1981. After completing his military service in 1982, he worked in Erzurum for various firms as a financial affairs specialist. He later became a partner at Erzurum Dayanıklı Tüketim and Ticaret Ltd. and worked as the Financial Affairs Manager until October 2005. In 2006, he began working in Tekirdağ Çerkezköy for BDK Construction Laboratory as a partner. He left the company on the 10th of 2012 and sold his shares in the company. Cengiz is an Independent Member of the Board of Directors at İhlas Holding A.Ş., İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş. and İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş.