Donation and Aid Policy

Due to social reponsibility of being a Corporation, Ihlas Yayın Holding may incline to donate  including but not limited to; Social Assistance Foundations,which  operates for cultural, and educational purpose, to Association for Educational Institutions and Organizations, to  Associations and Foundations  that carries out Social Responsibility Projects . With the approval of  Board of Directors Ihlas Yayın Holding may also donate to Public Institutions while obeying and abiding  the framework specified by the Capital Markets Board and the Turkish Commercial Code.

The shape an amount of donations and grants and  the Associations and Foundations are decided by the Board of Directors and It must be inline with the Company’s vision, mission and policies as well as  the Company’s ethical principles and compliance with the company’s social responsibility policy.

During the relevant year’s  Annual Share Holder Meeting , the shareholders will be informed about the donations that is granted.