Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1- How long has İhlas Yayın Holding been traded on the Borsa İstanbul A.Ş.(BIST)?

İhlas Yayın Holding is registered with the Capital Markets Board (“CMB”) and its shares are quoted on the Borsa Istanbul A.Ş. (“BIST”) since 5 November 2010.

2- Are there any participations of İhlas Yayın Holding that are trading on the BIST?İ

İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş.of İhlas Yayın Holding’s affiliate  is registered with the Capital Markets Board (“CMB”) and its shares are quoted on the Borsa Istanbul A.Ş. (“BIST”) since 10 June 2010.

3- What are the main activities of Ihlas Media Holding?

İhlas Yayın Holding has subsidiaries and associates that newspaper, television, radio and digital media broadcasting with news agency, magazine publishing, printing and advertising agency activities in the media basically.

4- What is İhlas Yayın Holding’s BIST ticker symbol?


5- What is İhlas Yayın Holding’s issued capital?

İhlas Yayın Holding’s issued capital is TL 450.000.000.

5- What is the free-float of İhlas Yayın Holding?

İt is regarded that 73.94% of the shares are outstanding.

6- How often does İhlas Yayın Holding report its financials?

İhlas Yayın Holding reports its financials on quarterly basis in accordance with regulations of Capital Markets Board legislation.

7- Which department should I contact to information about company?

You can contact to any information about our company with Investor Relations Department that phone number is 0212 454 22 14.